U6 Water Usage

Own use

In 2023, Reykjavík Energy’s production of cold water amounted to over 29 million m3 and hot water to around 99 million m3. Of the 99 million m3 of hot water produced, 54 million m3 was cold water, which was heated in ON Power’s plants at the Hengill area. The rest was hot water from low-temperature geothermal fields.

Reykjavik Energy’s own use of cold water was about 82 million m3 and its hot water use was about 1 thousand m3.

All thermal energy used to heat buildings at Hellisheidi is in a closed system. The same water is recirculated, and the use of thermal energy is not measured. Reykjavik Energy’s own use of cold water is almost exclusively for ON Power's geothermal power plants at the Hengill area. In 2023, nearly 82 million m3 of cold water was pumped, almost 54 million m3 of which was utilised for thermal production, mainly domestic heating in the Reykjavík Capital area. Less than 1% was used for power plant operations.


Approximately 70% of geothermal water from Hellisheidi and Nesjavellir Geothermal Power Plants has been reinjected into the geothermal field. The mission of the reinjection of the geothermal water into the reservoir is to prolong its use.

Veitur Utilities place importance on reinjecting used geothermal water back in to the reservoir, when applicable.

In 2023, the district heating utility started exploring the possibilities of further utilizing used geothermal water as part of the implementation of a circular economy, see more in section U7 on Environmental Operations.