S7 Injury Rate

The Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) is an international measurement unit for the rate of occupational injuries. It is calculated as the number of injuries per million working hours. The term injury is used if a person is absent from work for at least one day. There were five injuries at Reykjavik Energy in 2023, two less than the previous year. Working hours were 1,096,039. The number of working hours is calculated by using working hours at the workplace and recorded working hours during telecommuting.

Absence accidents per million working hours

Reykjavík Energy considers no job so important that the safety of its staff should be compromised during its execution. The company's safety and health policy is reviewed annually by the boards of the companies within the group, aiming for a workplace without accidents.

RE makes clear demands regarding safety in all tenders and requires contractors on construction projects to follow safety rules for contractors. The company has published a Safety Handbook that has been available to RE's staff and contractors for years. Contractors' staff are required to attend an accredited course in safety matters.

In Reykjavík Energy's suppliers' code of conduct, there is a general requirement that the work environment for staff be healthy, safe, and in compliance with laws, and that the supplier works systematically and continuously on the safety and health matters of their staff.

Björg - A Notification Database

Reykjavík Energy operates a reporting database where staff can log incidents and suggestions for improvement opportunities. These registrations are the foundation of improvement work in safety and health matters. Each report is examined, and it must be confirmed that its resolution is completed. The significant amount of telecommuting by staff during the coronavirus pandemic explains the decrease in recorded hazards faced by staff during work hours.

RE has set a goal that 80% of reports should be closed within a specified deadline. This goal has not been achieved by all companies.

Notifications in the safety and health database